If you are trying to end your marriage in Montgomery, your best bet is an uncontested divorce. However, when two spouses don’t agree to a settlement, a contested divorce is likely. Expectedly, the process is much more complicated, and if you are in a similar situation, you should try finding a local attorney who specializes in family law. Meet the experts of The Harris Firm, LLC, for a quick review of the case. For your help, here are some details to know before filing for a contested divorce in Montogomery.
The basics
Just because you are likely to have a contested divorce, it doesn’t mean that the case has to end up in court. A significant number of such divorces are resolved through mediation, too. The judge may recommend mediation, which will involve lawyers from both sides along with a neutral mediator. If nothing can be agreed upon, the divorce will need a trial, and the judge will make the final decision. A contested divorce in Alabama can take much longer and tends to be more complicated.
What are the reasons for disputes?
Couples may agree on separating and ending the marriage, but some issues need more deliberation. Some common issues in contested divorce include child custody, child support, division of property, retirement benefits, and alimony.
Should you hire an attorney?
The short answer is yes. A contested divorce requires considering all elements, and when your spouse is aggressive, you have to be highly protective of your interests. An attorney who deals in such family law issues can be your advocate and will advise you effectively. Also, they are aware of how local courts work in Montgomery and will take care of the extensive paperwork. If an agreement is evident, they will review documents and ensure you are not compromising your rights.
Dealing with a contested divorce
One of the first things you can do in such a divorce is remain flexible. Sometimes, couples are too enamored by what they respectively want and fail to look at the larger picture. It is also why you need a lawyer who can explain all aspects along with the pros and cons of your decisions. Also, it is better to negotiate and discuss things with your spouse, primarily because if you let the court decide on all things, you will not have any control.
Contact a contested divorce lawyer in Montgomery now!